Interestingly enough, the following statistics are coming out of Arizona where a straw poll of delegates was taken. This is the same state where John McCain has been a senator for 2 decades.
We Have a Two Man Race
Today America needs a strong moral leader and I believe that man is Mitt Romney. We have a nation under attack. Our values are under attack, traditional marriage between a man and a woman is under attack, our sovereignty is under attack and we cannot survive as a nation if we continue down this path. We have become a huge bloated welfare state on the brink of bankruptcy, we have ignored the principles of personal responsibly and limited government. We are ignoring the damage to this Republic to our citizens as we allow our broken border problem to go unfixed our spending to continue out of control, excessive government regulation and this entitlement mentality. We think we have a right to other peoples money through the force of government. It is time we stand up for America, personal responsibility, the Rule of Law, limited government and put someone in office that will put America First. I believe that man is Mitt Romney. May I remind you that the alternative is more open border policies, more attacks on First Amendment Rights, more of the same. It is the alternative why America is in trouble. Lets take back America. You cannot have moral government without moral leaders. "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good..." -James Madison
Maricopa County Republicans (our grassroots elected Republican Precinct Committeemen) conducted a Presidential Straw Poll during the Jan. 19 Maricopa County Republican Committee meeting in Tempe. In the first category the delegates were able to vote for only their first choice for president.
Those results were as follows. Presidential Straw Poll with 721 ballots cast:
188...............Mitt Romney..................26%
121...............Fred Thompson..............17% (Dropped out)
115...............Ron Paul........................16%
93.................Duncan Hunter.............13% (Dropped out)
80.................John McCain...............11%
33.................Rudy Giuliani................9% (Dropped out)
32................ Mike Huckabee............9%
In the second voting category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as unacceptable. In the Unacceptable Category 427 out of 721 (59%) of the delegates declared McCain as one of their unacceptable candidates. The tallies were:
Most unacceptable.......
In the third category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as acceptable. Those results were as follows:
207........ Huckabee
120......... Paul
His own constituents voted John McCain as the MOST UNACCEPTABLE candidate. If Arizonans aren't happy with their own senator, then why would Americans want him as their president?