Monday, June 23, 2008

Why are gas prices so high?

Good question! It's probably one that 99% of Americans are asking.

If any of you remember the 2004 election, Democrats flocked to the polls to elect their Senators and Congressman who promised to bring the prices of gas down. Interestingly enough, gas prices have doubled since 2004 leaving most American families struggling to make ends meet. So, why don't we drill for more oil and bring the cost down? Maybe this might answer a few of your questions....

"...demand for oil isn't going to drop due to growth around the globe, the only way to bring the cost of a gallon of gas at the pump down is to increase the supply of oil. The only way to increase the supply of oil for the present is to explore for more oil and then bring it to market. That means drilling.

In the U.S. that means drilling on the outer continental shelf, more than 50 miles from the nearest coastline.

John McCain favors allowing states to do just that. Obama, Pelosi and Reid oppose it. To get the exploration underway a federal ban on such off shore drilling must be lifted, but House Democrats have blocked that move, most recently this very month. They and their presidential candidate would rather see your wallet bleed and American growth deteriorate than cross their political allies and contributors in the environmental movement. House Republicans should offer a new amendment lifting the ban on outer continental shelf drilling if the price of gas hit $6.00 a gallon. Democrats would still oppose it. Follow it with an amendment at $8.00 a galklon and then $10.00. Get the point across that the Democrats just don't care how high the price goes. They do not care about the impact on the average American family."

You can read the entire article here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

What does he stand for?
Who does he align himself with?
Why doesn't he wear his lapel pin?
Will he keep America safe?

This video might answer a few of those questions.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Obama's Fantasy World

I always thought that the facts Obama gave during speeches and shown on NBC and CNN were a little off, but just to prove I wasn't just hearing things, check this out. In one speech he was talking about a certain school, using a certain Afro-American curriculum which went from a 50% drop-out rate to a 100% graduations and college enrollment.

It is at best a mangled and exaggerated tall tale, at worst another in Obama's now well-documented pattern of inventing the facts and stories he needs for whatever policy position he is pushing at that moment. Whether it is the success of the Kennedy-Khrushchev Vienna summit or the idea that the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg validated the Supreme Court's decision on habeas rights for Gitmo prisoners, science fiction automobile engines just over the horizon or oil prices unrelated to oil production, Senator Obama glides along on a cushion of fantasy and made-up facts. MSM either doesn't know enough to call him on his serial absurdities or doesn't notice them because of their collective swoon.

But the pattern reflects a life lived in the world of the left where facts just don't matter much when it comes to policy. When you are just building a career for yourself out of nonsense peddled to voters who want to believe tall tales, the cost is limited.

But as president, the toll brought about by a chief executive completely given over to the idea that if enough people repeat fantasy the fantasy will come true would be enormous.

You can read the entire article here.

A Socialized America?

A lot of you have probably felt as much pain at the pump as I have. There are days where I feel like we are sinking, purely because we are spending over $100 a week on gas, which totals to more that $450 a month. Everything is sky-rocketing in price, and it is hitting everyone in the wallet. I find it interesting that the government is trying hard to threaten oil company executives to drop prices or to guarantee a drop in oil prices. However, read a little of what Rep. Maxine Waters (a democrat) said to John Hofmeister, the president of Shell Oil company:

During questioning, Rep. Waters asked the oil executive to “guarantee” that the price of oil will go down if oil companies are granted authority to drill off U.S. shores. When Mr. Hofmeister failed to offer such a guarantee, Representative Waters issued a threat: “And guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socialize…basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.”

You can read the entire article here.

Wow! Looks like Congress wants to run as dictators rather than a democracy. They'd rather socialize America and take over control of everything rather than give Americans the freedom to run their own businesses. Land of the free? Well, not for long.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Then and Now

It is shocking to me that a candidate considered more liberal than John Kerry, one who's record of votes with democrats in the Senate comes it at 96% is now the candidate of the Democratic party. But if we go back to 1972 and compare the very liberal George McGovern to Obama, who is the more radical candidate? You decide?

On war:
McGovern advocated retreat from an enemy who had neither struck at the U.S. (al Qaeda in Iraq is a franchise of al Qaeda) nor which threatened to stage future direct attacks on America and its allies. Obama's retreatism is far more dangerous to the lives of Americans than McGovern's, though the policies of both would lead to wholesale slaughter of regional populations.

On capitalism:
Obama has promised massive new geysers of spending and a complete overhaul of the economy via climate change regulation and health care "reform." George McGovern supported a $1,000 grant for every American and a "negative income tax." McGovern was a free spender but within the agreed upon framework of robust capitalism. Obama's memoir of his years as a "community organizer" lay out his almost non-existant grasp of how capitalism works. Obama's stumping for a near doubling of the capital gains tax confirms his fecklessness on growth issues.

On abortion:
Though McGovern was charged with being the candidate of "acid, abortion and amnesty," his campaign was conducted prior to the decision in Roe v. Wade while Obama's is being run on a promise of more Justice Ginsburgs and the restoration of partial birth abortion as a lawful option for the termination of late term pregnancies. Obama's votes in the Illinois and U.S. Senate on abortion rights put him as far left as any Democrat can go.

On gun control:
I don't recall McGovern as having a position on gun control, but Obama's support for a ban on the possession, sale and manufacture of all handguns is as radical a position as any major political figure has ever held.

You can read the entire article here

Where will America be in 4 years if this far-left liberal is put into office. He hasn't reached across any aisle to work with republicans yet, what's to say he is going to do so if he gets elected?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free and Strong America

Today while I was at the grocery store, I stood frozen in shock in the cooking aisle, staring at the outrageous price of vegetable oil (yes, vegetable oil), I realized that something has to change. I began to think about how sick and tired I am of politicians on both sides of the aisle trying to decide what they think is best for America. Then I thought, 'We need to take a stand.....

A stand against socialism.

A stand against MORE taxes.

A stand against MORE government.'

When has more government, higher taxes, or socialism EVER been beneficial to other countries? Find one example of a socialist country that is stronger than America. I dare you.

I received an email from a friend who said this:

" Let us examine human history. Has socialism EVER brought about freedom and prosperity? No. Has capitalism made the American lifestyle (with all its flaws and inequality) the envy of the entire world? Yes. Is there any reason to believe, then, that more govenment is the answer to all of our problems? No. Does the evidence clearly support the need for individual freedom, personal responsibility and limited government? Yes."

So after thinking about all of this during my shopping trip, I came home and found this website that I wanted to share with all of you.

YOU can make a difference. Each of us have a voice. Make sure it is an informed one!

Free and Strong America

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taxing Times

Here is a very eye opening article in reference to Obama's plans for taxes as soon as he gets into the White House. Hold onto your pockets people. It means more money for our overindulgent government.

"As the New York Post and the Politico reported “WE'RE in for taxing times if Barack Obama wins the White House, says CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. ‘He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent,’ the ‘Money Honey’ tells Avenue. ‘Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15.’ The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, ‘Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think.’"

Interestingly enough, Media Matters couldn't defend that statement. Sure you'll be able to make some of that profit tax exempt, but what about the rest? You got it.....straight into the government's pocket.

Now, who wants taxes at 39%? Not me.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

McCain vs. Obama

The two candidates for each party have finally been decided. Rumors of VP nominees are swirling through the media. And yet, I still feel unsettled with my option, because as a staunch Romney supporter, I swore I'd never vote for John McCain. I fully planned on walking into the voting booth and writing out Mitt Romney's name on the ballot with pride. But after reading statistics about both candidates, and pouring over online articles, I came across this column:

Not since 1972 have we been presented with two such painfully inadequate candidates. When election day came that year, I could not bring myself to vote for either George McGovern or Richard Nixon. I stayed home.

This year, none of us has that luxury. While all sorts of gushing is going on in the media, and posturing is going on in politics, the biggest national sponsor of terrorism in the world-- Iran-- is moving step by step toward building a nuclear bomb....

At a time like this, we do not have the luxury of waiting for our ideal candidate or of indulging our emotions by voting for some third party candidate to show our displeasure-- at the cost of putting someone in the White House who is not up to the job.

Senator John McCain has been criticized in this column many times. But, when all is said and done, Senator McCain has not spent decades aiding and abetting people who hate America.

On the contrary, he has paid a huge price for resisting our enemies, even when they held him prisoner and tortured him. The choice between him and Barack Obama should be a no-brainer.

You can read the full article here.

Instead, I think I'll go in and vote for the man I believe can keep America safe for me, my children, and my children's children; Senator McCain.