Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free and Strong America

Today while I was at the grocery store, I stood frozen in shock in the cooking aisle, staring at the outrageous price of vegetable oil (yes, vegetable oil), I realized that something has to change. I began to think about how sick and tired I am of politicians on both sides of the aisle trying to decide what they think is best for America. Then I thought, 'We need to take a stand.....

A stand against socialism.

A stand against MORE taxes.

A stand against MORE government.'

When has more government, higher taxes, or socialism EVER been beneficial to other countries? Find one example of a socialist country that is stronger than America. I dare you.

I received an email from a friend who said this:

" Let us examine human history. Has socialism EVER brought about freedom and prosperity? No. Has capitalism made the American lifestyle (with all its flaws and inequality) the envy of the entire world? Yes. Is there any reason to believe, then, that more govenment is the answer to all of our problems? No. Does the evidence clearly support the need for individual freedom, personal responsibility and limited government? Yes."

So after thinking about all of this during my shopping trip, I came home and found this website that I wanted to share with all of you.

YOU can make a difference. Each of us have a voice. Make sure it is an informed one!

Free and Strong America