Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taxing Times

Here is a very eye opening article in reference to Obama's plans for taxes as soon as he gets into the White House. Hold onto your pockets people. It means more money for our overindulgent government.

"As the New York Post and the Politico reported “WE'RE in for taxing times if Barack Obama wins the White House, says CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. ‘He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent,’ the ‘Money Honey’ tells Avenue. ‘Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15.’ The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, ‘Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think.’"

Interestingly enough, Media Matters couldn't defend that statement. Sure you'll be able to make some of that profit tax exempt, but what about the rest? You got it.....straight into the government's pocket.

Now, who wants taxes at 39%? Not me.