Monday, June 23, 2008

Why are gas prices so high?

Good question! It's probably one that 99% of Americans are asking.

If any of you remember the 2004 election, Democrats flocked to the polls to elect their Senators and Congressman who promised to bring the prices of gas down. Interestingly enough, gas prices have doubled since 2004 leaving most American families struggling to make ends meet. So, why don't we drill for more oil and bring the cost down? Maybe this might answer a few of your questions....

"...demand for oil isn't going to drop due to growth around the globe, the only way to bring the cost of a gallon of gas at the pump down is to increase the supply of oil. The only way to increase the supply of oil for the present is to explore for more oil and then bring it to market. That means drilling.

In the U.S. that means drilling on the outer continental shelf, more than 50 miles from the nearest coastline.

John McCain favors allowing states to do just that. Obama, Pelosi and Reid oppose it. To get the exploration underway a federal ban on such off shore drilling must be lifted, but House Democrats have blocked that move, most recently this very month. They and their presidential candidate would rather see your wallet bleed and American growth deteriorate than cross their political allies and contributors in the environmental movement. House Republicans should offer a new amendment lifting the ban on outer continental shelf drilling if the price of gas hit $6.00 a gallon. Democrats would still oppose it. Follow it with an amendment at $8.00 a galklon and then $10.00. Get the point across that the Democrats just don't care how high the price goes. They do not care about the impact on the average American family."

You can read the entire article here.