Thursday, November 13, 2008

Romney to save GOP in 2012

By Alexander Mooney

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As Republican leaders sift through the ruins of the 2008 election and debate the party's future at the Republican Governors Association meeting this week, one of the GOP's potential standard-bearers is instead on a Caribbean cruise.

Former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at the Republican National Convention in September.

But it isn't just any cruise and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney isn't just any Republican. Since the economy began its historic downturn six weeks ago, Romney's stock in his party appears to have skyrocketed...

The former business consultant and founder of Bain Capital handled economic issues during his campaign with an ease and confidence that seemed to elude Sen. John McCain. As the stock market tanked throughout the fall, a growing chorus of conservative pundits speculated Romney would have boosted the GOP ticket considerably more than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin did.

Now the onetime front-runner for the Republican nomination is schmoozing influential party insiders on the National Review's annual cruise -- a gathering of 700 conservative activists and the same forum where Palin wowed the movement's media elite last year, beginning her meteoric rise from obscure governor to vice presidential nominee.

But even as Romney publicly declares he has no intentions to run again, several former aides said they believe he will, and this week's get-together with leading conservatives is only the latest sign the man who spent more than $50 million of his own money to vie for the party's nomination last year is itching to do it again. Watch more on the GOP's rising stars »

After all, in many ways Romney's campaign for 2012 appeared to begin the instant he abandoned his primary bid in February. Instead of the conventional location befitting most losing candidates -- his home state, surrounded by friends and family -- Romney broke the news to grass-roots activists at a gathering in Washington.

The last-minute announcement was greeted with cries of surprise and was seen as a public attempt to bolster his standing with the key GOP voting bloc that largely broke former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's way through the first round of primary contests.

"There he was addressing the largest gathering every year of conservatives, and it was extremely symbolic in many ways," said Matt Lewis, a writer for the conservative Web site "That's where he chose to say for the good of the movement he was going to get out. It was very well-received by most people, and he is now in a better position to garner more conservative support because of it."

After bowing out, Romney maintained a constant presence on the campaign trail and cable news circuit on McCain's behalf, signaling to political observers that he still harbored presidential ambitions, even after he was passed up for the No. 2 spot on the party's ticket.

Romney also has maintained close relationships with key supporters in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to party officials there, and could easily revive the infrastructure he built should he launch another bid.

If the economy continues to flail after four years of Democratic rule, Romney's economic acumen may be in demand when it comes to restoring GOP power to the White House.

"If the economy remains the dominant issue, there will certainly be a draft Romney movement, you can count on it," Lewis said.

Romney also may be positioned to attract a wider base of support than some of the other figures on the Republican bench, including the now-GOP rock star Palin and Huckabee, whose 2008 campaign outlasted Romney's. Both have shown the ability to generate excitement among base voters but appear to remain fairly unappealing to the more moderate faction of the party -- not to mention independent voters who are permitted to vote in some Republican primaries.

Al Regnery, publisher of The American Spectator who attended a summit of prominent conservatives in Virginia last week, said movement leaders continue to toss around Romney's name as they look to the future.

"People are going to have to compete for what will be the equivalent of several interviews with conservatives as to whether they fit the job description, and Romney would certainly be one of these contenders," Regnery said.

But even as the Romney drumbeat already can be heard in some corners of the party, it remains possible the former governor will face the same problems that hindered his 2008 campaign -- namely the perception he is overambitious and given to flip-flopping on issues for political expediency.

"Many conservatives never really trusted him," Regnery said. "A lot of people think he pretty much adjusted his message to meet the needs [of the base]. He's going to have to go back around and talk to the dinners and talk to the small groups and large groups and write op-eds with a fairly consistent message."

Stephen Wayne, a professor of American government at Georgetown University, also noted that not holding elected office now makes it more difficult for Romney to stay relevant on the political scene.

"He's going to need some vehicle to stay in the public eye and comment on the economy and, if appropriate, be critical of the new Obama administration," Wayne said. "One of the problems that people who are not in elected office have is that they don't have a ready platform until you start running for office."

But should Romney decide on a second presidential run, he's likely to face a friendlier reception than his first go-around. The base may to be more convinced of Romney's conservative commitment if he's willing to take another stab at the presidency, activists say, and the Republican Party has a history of rewarding presidential candidates who have run at least once and lost.

"There is a tradition in the Republican Party -- you run first for the nomination and lose, and then you run and get it," Wayne said, pointing to Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush, former Sen. Bob Dole and McCain.

"Losing once is almost a badge of honor among Republicans."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where did it begin?

If any of you are like me, you are probably all fed up with the lines the government, the candidates, and especially the media are feeding you about the Economic Crisis. It's infuriating. You are probably asking, "How did this even happen?" I give you this video. It's long, but informative and well worth the time it takes to watch. If you are sitting on the fence about who to vote for, this video just might help you make up your mind....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Approval Ratings

I find it interesting that as the approval rating for Congress continues to decline, that Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi chooses to criticize President Bush on his "total failure" as Commander and Chief. What is even more interesting is the fact that his approval rating stayed at 28%, in comparison to Congress' approval which went from 23% last month down to 16%.

Now you tell me, who's a total failure at their job?

Why is it that Congress feels the need to do nothing? Especially on oil prices! Just days after President Bush lifted his executive ban on off-shore drilling oil prices dropped. However, the only thing our democratic run Congress is worried about is Global Warming and saving the environment from drilling, while wanting to tax oil executives (because it's their faults). Our liberal run Congress points the finger at everyone but themselves.

This cartoon sums up perfectly what I mean:

Special thanks to Michael Ramirez for this Political Cartoon

Americans are sinking in debt to these oil prices, and yet Reid, Pelosi, and Obama do nothing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Why are gas prices so high?

Good question! It's probably one that 99% of Americans are asking.

If any of you remember the 2004 election, Democrats flocked to the polls to elect their Senators and Congressman who promised to bring the prices of gas down. Interestingly enough, gas prices have doubled since 2004 leaving most American families struggling to make ends meet. So, why don't we drill for more oil and bring the cost down? Maybe this might answer a few of your questions....

"...demand for oil isn't going to drop due to growth around the globe, the only way to bring the cost of a gallon of gas at the pump down is to increase the supply of oil. The only way to increase the supply of oil for the present is to explore for more oil and then bring it to market. That means drilling.

In the U.S. that means drilling on the outer continental shelf, more than 50 miles from the nearest coastline.

John McCain favors allowing states to do just that. Obama, Pelosi and Reid oppose it. To get the exploration underway a federal ban on such off shore drilling must be lifted, but House Democrats have blocked that move, most recently this very month. They and their presidential candidate would rather see your wallet bleed and American growth deteriorate than cross their political allies and contributors in the environmental movement. House Republicans should offer a new amendment lifting the ban on outer continental shelf drilling if the price of gas hit $6.00 a gallon. Democrats would still oppose it. Follow it with an amendment at $8.00 a galklon and then $10.00. Get the point across that the Democrats just don't care how high the price goes. They do not care about the impact on the average American family."

You can read the entire article here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

What does he stand for?
Who does he align himself with?
Why doesn't he wear his lapel pin?
Will he keep America safe?

This video might answer a few of those questions.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Obama's Fantasy World

I always thought that the facts Obama gave during speeches and shown on NBC and CNN were a little off, but just to prove I wasn't just hearing things, check this out. In one speech he was talking about a certain school, using a certain Afro-American curriculum which went from a 50% drop-out rate to a 100% graduations and college enrollment.

It is at best a mangled and exaggerated tall tale, at worst another in Obama's now well-documented pattern of inventing the facts and stories he needs for whatever policy position he is pushing at that moment. Whether it is the success of the Kennedy-Khrushchev Vienna summit or the idea that the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg validated the Supreme Court's decision on habeas rights for Gitmo prisoners, science fiction automobile engines just over the horizon or oil prices unrelated to oil production, Senator Obama glides along on a cushion of fantasy and made-up facts. MSM either doesn't know enough to call him on his serial absurdities or doesn't notice them because of their collective swoon.

But the pattern reflects a life lived in the world of the left where facts just don't matter much when it comes to policy. When you are just building a career for yourself out of nonsense peddled to voters who want to believe tall tales, the cost is limited.

But as president, the toll brought about by a chief executive completely given over to the idea that if enough people repeat fantasy the fantasy will come true would be enormous.

You can read the entire article here.

A Socialized America?

A lot of you have probably felt as much pain at the pump as I have. There are days where I feel like we are sinking, purely because we are spending over $100 a week on gas, which totals to more that $450 a month. Everything is sky-rocketing in price, and it is hitting everyone in the wallet. I find it interesting that the government is trying hard to threaten oil company executives to drop prices or to guarantee a drop in oil prices. However, read a little of what Rep. Maxine Waters (a democrat) said to John Hofmeister, the president of Shell Oil company:

During questioning, Rep. Waters asked the oil executive to “guarantee” that the price of oil will go down if oil companies are granted authority to drill off U.S. shores. When Mr. Hofmeister failed to offer such a guarantee, Representative Waters issued a threat: “And guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socialize…basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.”

You can read the entire article here.

Wow! Looks like Congress wants to run as dictators rather than a democracy. They'd rather socialize America and take over control of everything rather than give Americans the freedom to run their own businesses. Land of the free? Well, not for long.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Then and Now

It is shocking to me that a candidate considered more liberal than John Kerry, one who's record of votes with democrats in the Senate comes it at 96% is now the candidate of the Democratic party. But if we go back to 1972 and compare the very liberal George McGovern to Obama, who is the more radical candidate? You decide?

On war:
McGovern advocated retreat from an enemy who had neither struck at the U.S. (al Qaeda in Iraq is a franchise of al Qaeda) nor which threatened to stage future direct attacks on America and its allies. Obama's retreatism is far more dangerous to the lives of Americans than McGovern's, though the policies of both would lead to wholesale slaughter of regional populations.

On capitalism:
Obama has promised massive new geysers of spending and a complete overhaul of the economy via climate change regulation and health care "reform." George McGovern supported a $1,000 grant for every American and a "negative income tax." McGovern was a free spender but within the agreed upon framework of robust capitalism. Obama's memoir of his years as a "community organizer" lay out his almost non-existant grasp of how capitalism works. Obama's stumping for a near doubling of the capital gains tax confirms his fecklessness on growth issues.

On abortion:
Though McGovern was charged with being the candidate of "acid, abortion and amnesty," his campaign was conducted prior to the decision in Roe v. Wade while Obama's is being run on a promise of more Justice Ginsburgs and the restoration of partial birth abortion as a lawful option for the termination of late term pregnancies. Obama's votes in the Illinois and U.S. Senate on abortion rights put him as far left as any Democrat can go.

On gun control:
I don't recall McGovern as having a position on gun control, but Obama's support for a ban on the possession, sale and manufacture of all handguns is as radical a position as any major political figure has ever held.

You can read the entire article here

Where will America be in 4 years if this far-left liberal is put into office. He hasn't reached across any aisle to work with republicans yet, what's to say he is going to do so if he gets elected?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free and Strong America

Today while I was at the grocery store, I stood frozen in shock in the cooking aisle, staring at the outrageous price of vegetable oil (yes, vegetable oil), I realized that something has to change. I began to think about how sick and tired I am of politicians on both sides of the aisle trying to decide what they think is best for America. Then I thought, 'We need to take a stand.....

A stand against socialism.

A stand against MORE taxes.

A stand against MORE government.'

When has more government, higher taxes, or socialism EVER been beneficial to other countries? Find one example of a socialist country that is stronger than America. I dare you.

I received an email from a friend who said this:

" Let us examine human history. Has socialism EVER brought about freedom and prosperity? No. Has capitalism made the American lifestyle (with all its flaws and inequality) the envy of the entire world? Yes. Is there any reason to believe, then, that more govenment is the answer to all of our problems? No. Does the evidence clearly support the need for individual freedom, personal responsibility and limited government? Yes."

So after thinking about all of this during my shopping trip, I came home and found this website that I wanted to share with all of you.

YOU can make a difference. Each of us have a voice. Make sure it is an informed one!

Free and Strong America

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taxing Times

Here is a very eye opening article in reference to Obama's plans for taxes as soon as he gets into the White House. Hold onto your pockets people. It means more money for our overindulgent government.

"As the New York Post and the Politico reported “WE'RE in for taxing times if Barack Obama wins the White House, says CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. ‘He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent,’ the ‘Money Honey’ tells Avenue. ‘Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15.’ The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, ‘Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think.’"

Interestingly enough, Media Matters couldn't defend that statement. Sure you'll be able to make some of that profit tax exempt, but what about the rest? You got it.....straight into the government's pocket.

Now, who wants taxes at 39%? Not me.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

McCain vs. Obama

The two candidates for each party have finally been decided. Rumors of VP nominees are swirling through the media. And yet, I still feel unsettled with my option, because as a staunch Romney supporter, I swore I'd never vote for John McCain. I fully planned on walking into the voting booth and writing out Mitt Romney's name on the ballot with pride. But after reading statistics about both candidates, and pouring over online articles, I came across this column:

Not since 1972 have we been presented with two such painfully inadequate candidates. When election day came that year, I could not bring myself to vote for either George McGovern or Richard Nixon. I stayed home.

This year, none of us has that luxury. While all sorts of gushing is going on in the media, and posturing is going on in politics, the biggest national sponsor of terrorism in the world-- Iran-- is moving step by step toward building a nuclear bomb....

At a time like this, we do not have the luxury of waiting for our ideal candidate or of indulging our emotions by voting for some third party candidate to show our displeasure-- at the cost of putting someone in the White House who is not up to the job.

Senator John McCain has been criticized in this column many times. But, when all is said and done, Senator McCain has not spent decades aiding and abetting people who hate America.

On the contrary, he has paid a huge price for resisting our enemies, even when they held him prisoner and tortured him. The choice between him and Barack Obama should be a no-brainer.

You can read the full article here.

Instead, I think I'll go in and vote for the man I believe can keep America safe for me, my children, and my children's children; Senator McCain.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why Obama Scares Me

The following is a post from the Fox Head Blog. It basically sums up just a few of the reasons we should ALL be scared and running for the hills rather than voting for this man.

Over the week I have mentioned that I am very concerned-albeit scared about the potential of Presidential hopeful Barack Obama. I have not really explained in full why I feel this way.

Keep in mind, that I do like Senator Obama, even if it seems that I don’t. He is a very charismatic person and a wonderful speaker. As a Fiscal Conservative, one of my biggest fears and concerns is Big-government planning, spending and taxing. Senator Obama’s alignment with the liberal wing of the Democratic party and his gloomy look at America gives me concern. In fact, I believe his very proposal for coming to this nations rescue is exactly what I fear; Big-government planning, spending, and taxing. Is this what the economy and the stock market need?

Obama unveiled much of his economic strategy in Wisconsin last week: He wants to spend $150 billion on a green-energy plan. He wants to establish an infrastructure investment bank to the tune of $60 billion. He wants to expand health insurance by roughly $65 billion. He wants to “reopen” trade deals, which is another way of saying he wants to raise the barriers to free trade. He intends to regulate the profits for drug companies, health insurers, and energy firms. He wants to establish a mortgage-interest tax credit. He wants to double the number of workers receiving the earned-income tax credit (EITC) and triple the EITC benefit for minimum-wage workers.

The Obama spending proposals are now up around $800 billion. And tax hikes on the rich won’t pay for it. It’s the middle class that will ultimately shoulder this fiscal burden in terms of higher taxes. What do you think that will do to the growth in the economy?

In no way will this help with the economy. This is old-fashioned-liberal tax, and spend, and regulate. It’s plain old big government. The only people who will benefit are the central planners in Washington.

In one commercial I saw, Obama says he wants U.S. corporations to stop “shipping jobs overseas” and bring their cash back home. But if he really wanted U.S. companies to keep more of their profits in the states he’d be calling for a reduction in the corporate tax rate. Why isn’t he demanding an end to the double-taxation of corporate earnings? It’s simple: He wants higher taxes, too.

Doing the math on Obama’s tax plan. It will add up to a 39.6 percent personal income tax, a 52.2 percent combined income and payroll tax, a 28 percent capital-gains tax, a 39.6 percent dividends tax, and a 55 percent estate tax. Tax, tax and more tax. It concerns me that he even wants to tax capital, this is the way to stop growth in America and assure no new jobs are created.

Doesn’t Obama understand the vital role of capital formation in creating businesses and jobs? Doesn’t he understand that without capital, businesses can’t expand their operations and hire more workers?

Obama wants you to believe that America is in trouble, and that it can only be cured with moving to the left. Take from the rich and give to the non-rich. Redistribute income and wealth. It will lead us to economic disaster. It completely ignores incentives for entrepreneurs, small family-owned businesses, and investors. You can’t have capitalism without capital. But Obama would penalize capital, be it capital from corporations or investors. This will only harm, and not advance, opportunities for middle-class workers.

Perhaps Obama should take a lesson from Europe who for years have lived under economic stagnation and is just now waking up to the fact that lower capital taxation and lower taxation in general leads to growth and job creation. Obama speaks of hope and change, but his policies are nothing but pessimism and a change for the worse. This is what scares me the most.

The Return of Big Government (Oh great!)

By James Pethokouki
From US News & World Report
Posted April 11, 2008

Here's a little straight talk: Whether you pull the lever (or fill in the oval or touch the screen) for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or even John McCain in November, you're probably still going to end up in 2009 with a push for Big Government of the sort not seen in a generation. More taxes. More regulation. More spending. "It's going to be like watching That '70s Show," says Daniel Clifton, political analyst at Strategas Research Partners, which provides research to institutional investors.

Certainly there are some gaping policy differences between the White House contenders that will determine just how big Big Government gets. Both Clinton and Obama want to make national health plans available to all—partially paid for by rolling back the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for wealthier Americans. McCain prefers a more market-driven approach and wants to keep all the tax cuts on income and investments.

But all three candidates are in favor of a "cap and trade" regulatory system to reduce carbon emissions suspected of causing global warming and to nudge the economy toward energy independence. It's an approach that could serve as a de facto $100 billion-a-year tax, since companies having trouble meeting government limits may be forced to bid for pricey carbon permits. And all three candidates will have to confront a Social Security system whose cash flow turns negative in 2017. Almost any politically feasible compromise would require higher payroll taxes—an option McCain says he's steadfastly against—as part of the mix. And it would be tough for any politician to ignore America's rickety infrastructure, which may require a nearly $2 trillion overhaul. "We're talking about government playing a different role than it has over the past decade or two," says analyst Sherle Schwenninger of the New America Foundation, a centrist think tank.

For the rest of the article, go here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Could Romney be McCain's Running Mate?

Mitt Romney said in his first interview since departing the GOP race that he would accept the number two position on the ticket and that there is no lingering bitterness between him and John McCain.
“I think any Republican leader in this country would be honored to be asked to serve as the vice presidential nominee, myself included," Romney told FOX's Sean Hannity in a broadcast set to air tonight. "Of course this is a nation which needs strong leadership. And if the nominee of our party asked you to serve with him, anybody would be honored to receive that call … and to accept it, of course.”

According to two separate reports, Romney is being talked up as a running mate by members of the Bush inner circle. But McCain and his closest advisers have little regard for their former rival thanks to the bitter, year-long race waged between the two Republicans.

Romney says, however, that he thinks the wounds have healed.

“There are really no hard feelings, I don't think, on either side of this," he said in the interview. "There were no pacts and so forth that make people feel like that we will never come together. Instead these campaigns are all coming together. We are supporting our nominee enthusiastically, aggressively."

Romney said his top fundraisers have already met with McCain's campaign.

For the full article, go here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney Pulls Out of the Race With Grace & Dignity

Today is a sad day for true Conservatives and Romney supporters everywhere. He gave the most amazing speech I have ever heard - or at least heard in a long time - to CPAC today in Washington. Sadly, he has decided to suspend his campaign rather than stall the start of a national campaign against Hillary or Barack. He said,

"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror..."

..."This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. My family, my friends and our supporters ... many of you right here in this room ... have given a great deal to get me where I have a shot at becoming president. If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America."

Romney is a true patriot and his graceful exit from the race is just more evidence our country is missing out on an amazing potential President. It makes me sick to think that we will not have the benefit of his heart, wisdom, work ethic and ingenuity in the White House. We can only hope he will make a run again in 2012. Our country needs him - even if she doesn't know it yet.

For more on Romney's speech, go here.

And the Romney Revolution will go on. Imagine how different the world today would be if Reagan had given up in 1976. Mitt Romney MUST be our president and if it takes four years of a tumultuous presidency under either McCain or Hillary or Barack, for this country to wake up, then so be it.

Please continue to come back often to Add our tag to your own blogs and websites and keep telling your friends and families about us.

We are pretty proud of what we were able to accomplish in a small time. To think we only started this blog last Saturday! Thanks for everyone's support!
Courtney & Ashby

Romney visit to church a memorable experience

From - Letters to the Editor

"On Sunday, Jan. 6, as I do every Sunday, I attended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Concord Street. It was the Nashua 2nd Ward's fast and testimony meeting. On the first weekend of every month, Mormons traditionally abstain from food for 24 hours, then at the conclusion of this fast we attend our meetings. From the money we save from not eating, we're encouraged to donate generously to the poor among us. This meeting is called a "testimony meeting" because anyone feeling prompted can rise to the podium to speak. It's certainly a unique and sometimes unpredictable meeting.

As Bishop Spenser was welcoming the congregation, I happened to glance behind me. I was astonished to see Mitt Romney and an aide quietly walk in and sit down. I had just watched him on Fox News Sunday minutes before. After the passing of the sacrament, the bishop opened the microphone to the congregation. During this hour-long meeting, about 12 to 15 adults and children spoke. Romney sat through the rest of the meeting and listened graciously. At the conclusion, he walked to the foyer where many greeted him and wished him well.

I will always remember this Sunday's meeting for what did and did not happen. What amazed me was that during the meeting no one, including the bishop, mentioned or made reference to our important visitor. And unlike Mike Huckabee, who was preaching a sermon somewhere in New Hampshire on "Becoming an Army for Christ," Romney chose not to speak but rather chose to simply listen respectfully to the impromptu speakers.

I think this experience is significant for two reasons.

First, it is a good example of how the culture in the Mormon Church clearly respects the separation of religion and politics. Second, I also respect and admire Romney's choice not to arise and address the congregation. His quiet reverence said a lot more about who he is and what he values. He was just one of us. Lastly, as the bread and water was quietly being passed, I couldn't help but glance over at him a time or two. I saw his head bowed, his eyes closed and his hands resting on his lap.

As we sat solemnly amidst the quiet, I wondered what was going on in the mind of someone seeking the highest office in the land. I thought of all the criticism from the media questioning his integrity, calling him a liar and flip-flopper. I thought of Huckabee's campaign manager wishing to kick his teeth in. I thought of vicious attacks on his character from everywhere and wondered how he could and why he would endure such disparagement.

When the meeting was over, I couldn't get near him so I approached his aide, who was standing at the door, and shook his hand. After a few words, he grabbed Romney's arm from behind and said "gotta go." Standing in the way, I moved aside to let Romney by. As he passed, he turned and extended his hand to me, he looked me square in the eye and smiled as I smiled back. And then I knew. I knew exactly how he got his strength and I knew exactly why he was doing this.

Mitt Romney has been blessed with great, great ability and talent. Our nation has critical problems that all seem to be reaching a tipping point at the same time. Consider the coming insolvency of Social Security, our unmanageable $8 trillion debt, the forthcoming economic tests from China and India, the illegal immigration challenge to our sovereignty, the Islamic extremists who want to harm us, our dependency on foreign oil, and the crisis in education and health care.

Have we ever had more of a need for an honest, competent, compassionate, think-out-of-the-box problem solver? Can you honestly say in your heart that any other candidate, or even any other American, is more qualified to lead us through all these challenges? Even if you disagree with some of his political positions, consider what it would mean to America's youth and future if someone of his competence, principles and character occupied the Oval Office.

Certainly, one can look back at the last two administrations and see the consequence of what the lack of competence has meant during the last seven years and what damage the lack of character and principles did during the previous eight.

Mitt Romney is not doing this for himself. He's doing this because we need him to. Our children and grandchildren need him to. He's our last hope if this country is to survive, then thrive, once again. I know the New Hampshire primary is over. I get a feeling though that you'll have a chance to vote for him once again."

Paul Yarmo

Romney has the leadership qualities United States needs

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Sunday, Feb 03, 2008

"The dynamics of political party connections, the political process itself and public perceptions have once again yielded the top two contenders of each major party in the 2008 presidential race. And once again, the public can only hope that the ultimate winner of the White House will be a candidate with the most leadership substance.

"My vote is for Mitt Romney."


"Our success will not be based on pandering to uninformed voters, promising emotional quick fixes over common sense or nitpicking of opponents' past records. Success will come from focusing on the right problems and solving them. That will mean making tough decisions about some problems that have been with us for decades. It will also mean taking a tough stand on new problems and challenges.

"That's what leaders do.

"Mitt Romney has done that as a chief executive officer in business, as a governor and as head of the U.S. Olympics. He has done so while balancing political consequences but not compromising fundamental principles of the founding of this country or free-market economics. We have prospered as a nation by strengthening those principles; we will not remain strong if we allow those principles to become diluted with a lack of leadership."


"He has successfully managed a real business with other people's money and some of his own. He has balanced budgets. He successfully led a turnaround situation with the Olympics. And he has spent more of his career outside government than inside.

"On the other hand, John McCain has spent more of his career inside government than outside, and the reasons not to vote for him as the Republican nominee are very compelling."


"Mitt Romney's history is more indicative of the substance needed to make major progress on critical issues, and not just to make more politically palatable incremental changes in Washington." ...

View Entire Article

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Romney Should Follow Reagan Lead

From Bob Lonsberry:

"Maybe it's like 1976.

Maybe the Republican Party needs to go through a cleansing. Maybe it needs to be torn down so someday it can be built up again.

In 1976 the Republican bosses rejected Ronald Reagan. They mocked his conservatism and went with the liberal, Gerald Ford. We were coming out of the Nixon era, a time when about all anyone agreed on was that the Republican president had been a disappointment.

The party went with a liberal and a dynamic young guy out of Georgia – who campaigned on a platform of change – got the Democratic nod. It was a centrist establishment Republican against a Democrat outsider and the Republican candidacy went down in flames.

And America got Jimmy Carter, the most pointless president of the Twentieth Century.

Maybe this year is like 1976.

George W. Bush is Richard M. Nixon. Republicans can't wait for him to go and Democrats absolutely loathe him. He is what people want to change, they just want to turn the page and move on to something better.

Either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton play the part of Jimmy Carter. Both have exciting candidacies that are very short on specifics. Both have the potential to be absolute failures as presidents. Like Carter, they have the potential to be one-term wonders. They have the potential to follow liberal priorities right into the swamp Jimmy Carter mired the nation in.

Somehow, Barack Obama chants things about hope in a way that gets more votes than when Jesse Jackson chanted things about hope. Somehow, people have decided to read into the Obama candidacy every unresolved political fantasy of their lives. Somehow, the media and the Democrats have decided – with a straight face – that Barack Obama is the second coming of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Hillary Clinton has likewise taken on mythic proportions in the enthusiasm of her supporters.

But both Obama and Clinton will do well not to fall flat on their faces once in office.

And it's quite likely one of them will be the next president of the United States.

Because of this year's Gerald Ford – Senator John McCain.

He is the sort of soulless candidate who can inspire only through fear. He is a man without abiding political principle, a war hero whose war ended two generations ago. A man who in no way represents the philosophy or values of his party.

A man grassroots Republicans are going to turn their backs on.

This year is like 1976.

And Mitt Romney is Ronald Reagan.

This year, the Republican bosses are going to deny Mitt Romney the nomination. They are going to cynically play politics, they are going to go with the liberal they think can win, and they are going to value victory over principle. They are going to forget the fact that Republicans who abandon principle for success invariably end up with neither.

So it will be Jimmy Carter Take Two and Mitt Romney will go into the wilderness.

But if he is smart, he will follow the example of Ronald Reagan. Reagan used the years from 1976 to 1980 to continue his daily radio commentaries and to travel the country speaking to whomever would listen to him. He perfected his understanding of the Constitution. He spoke to group after group, preaching the simple straight-foward gospel of freedom, self-reliance, respect for life and the glory of being an American.

And at the end of four years he had not only his party's nomination, he had one of the biggest general election margins in history.

He persisted and he prevailed and he became president of the United States.

That needs to be Mitt's plan.

He got robbed this go 'round. His party abandoned not just him, but its own bedrock. Mitt needs to spend four years internalizing the gospel of conservatism and constitutionalism. He needs to get this stuff in his bones. And he needs to preach it across the country.

This year is like 1976.

We've nominated a liberal and we've rejected a potentially great leader.

The one will be gone soon, and – if he's wise – the other will start preparing now for 2012.

This year is like 1976. And that one didn't go very well for us."

Bob Lonsberry

The MUST SEE 20/20 Health Care Special

For those of you who missed John Stossel's eye-opening special on Health Care in September - the links are below. Even if you did see it, it is definitely worth watching again. Admittedly, our current system is broken - but socialized medicine is NOT the answer. One of my favorite parts of this special is when John finds Doctors who are doing things differently; coming up with unique solutions around the Insurance nightmare. Again - another reason Mitt Romney needs to be our President. We need someone who is known for finding unique solutions to problems - solutions that look to the private-sector, not the government! Socialized medicine will not only bankrupt us - but will permanently damage the quality of the Health Care we receive.

The 1 hour special is broken up into 6 segments on YouTube. We urge you to watch these, pass them on to your friends and family. They will educate and enrage you. Please take the time to watch it in its entirety.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Socialized Health Care - We can't let it happen

Here is a short, independent film that illustrates one Canadian man's nightmare dealing with the Canadian Health Care System. We MUST rally around candidates who will not allow this same, broken system to be brought to the US. Please watch.

Continue Your Support - Add our Tag!

Add our tag to your blog or website! Let's show Mitt just how much we support him and his efforts to continue with the campaign!

Just right click, copy the "linked file", and paste the above tag into a new HTML section on your blog and it will link back directly to us!

Romney's Speech After Super Tuesday

You can watch it here:

Excerpts from Romney's Speech After Super Tuesday

For those of you who were able to see Romney's speech late last night - you know why we feel so passionate about the Romney Revolution. His vision for what America can and should be again is inspiring and rings true to my very core. The thought that we may never get to see his vision realized has made it difficult for me to sleep. Please Please Please help us get the word out about Romney. There are still many states whose voices need to be heard. I know I can't wait to cast my vote in Virginia next Tuesday.

"You know, Ann came to me and she said, 'You know, the one thing that's clear tonight is that nothing's clear.' But I think she's wrong. One thing that's clear is this campaign is going on.

I think there are some people who thought it was all going be done tonight, but it's not all done tonight. We're going to keep on battling. We're going to go all the way to the convention, we're going to win this thing, and we're going to get in to the White House.

I want to make sure that the kind of prosperity we've known, the peace that we've always experienced, the safety that we've always felt, that it's part of my kids' life and their kids' life, and theirs, indeed, as well. And I recognize that that doesn't just happen.

You see, those that brought this to us paid a very heavy price to buy our peace. They built a strong military who was, without question, the most capable in the world. They built a strong economy that surpassed anybody's in the world. And they also gave to us values that are enduring, like believing in hard work and education, and willing to sacrifice for the future, and love our families, and love of our faith and love of our country.

And because of these great values and this great economy and our great military, we've emerged as the greatest nation on Earth. And now it's our turn to decide what we're going to give to our kids and to their kids.

We face extraordinary challenges. I'm convinced — and I mean this very sincerely — I'm convinced that if Washington continues on its same course, America will emerge not as the great nation of the 21st century by the end, but as a second-tier power.

It will passed by someone else. I can't tell you who it will be, but it would be passed by someone else.

That will not happen. We'll keep America strong because we'll hold on to the values that have always made us successful, values that Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush and Teddy Roosevelt and other great presidents spoke about.
They strengthened our military with more troops to make sure that we could protect ourselves. They strengthened our families with good health care and good schools and values that are enduring. And they strengthened our economy.

At the base of our ability to lead the world as a robust and powerful economy. Right now, things are a little shaky. You hear people say, well, we're hitting a rough spot.

It's more than that. It's more than just a rough spot. There's a long-term slide that we've seen as we're competing with people around the world, Asia in particular. And as our pocketbooks are being emptied by the oil-producing states, taking more and more money every single day from us, we can't allow our economy to continue to be weakened by these other competitors.

It's time for us to lift America, to strengthen our economy. We're going to do that by keeping our taxes down, by getting regulation down, by having immigration work for us. That means stopping illegal immigration, protecting legal immigration.

We're going to trade ... We're going to trade — we're going to trade with other nations around the world, of course, but we're going to do so on a level playing field. We're going to invest in technology and innovation and be the best and the brightest with new products and new designs, and make sure that we always lead the world.

This is the future of this great country.


It's time for the politicians to leave Washington and for we, the people, to take over!

This — this isn't just about the heart and soul of our party. It isn't just about which part is going to win in November. This is the about the future course of our country.

This is about whether or not Washington will finally deal with the challenges we face, whether Washington is up to the task of helping solve these problem, taking advantage of opportunities, making sure that our kids and their kids live in an America that's the greatest nation on Earth. It must be. It has always been.

The world depends upon our sacrifice, our commitment, and dedication to peace and prosperity and to liberty. This is the greatest nation in the history of the Earth. We will keep it the hope of the Earth. With your help, we'll do it together.

Thank you so much!"

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Huckabee "steals" West Virginia with McCain's help

It's apparent that McCain & his campaign will stop at nothing to keep Mitt Romney from getting the Republican Nomination.


"Huckabee won in the second round of voting, even though Mitt Romney led after the first round. The former Arkansas governor won with 51.5 percent to Romney’s 47.4 percent, pulling ahead after John McCain’s delegates apparently defected to his side.

The convention had to go into a second round of voting after no candidate took a clear majority the first time. Texas Rep. Ron Paul was knocked out, and Huckabee, Romney and McCain moved forward.

Paul finished fourth with 10 percent among the 1,133 participating delegates in the first round, while Romney took 41 percent and Huckabee took 33 percent. McCain, who started the day in New York City before heading to California, reached the second round with 15 percent.

But before Huckabee’s surprising turnaround in the second round, McCain delegates told FOX News they had been instructed by the campaign to throw their support to Huckabee."

For the rest of the article, go here.

McCain & Hilary: Two Peas in a Pod


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Christian enough...

About a month ago, just before the Iowa caucus, the Reverend Mike Huckabee accused Mitt Romney of not being "Christian enough". An accusation which, if you're a Mormon is nothing new and nothing jarring. Mitt Romney probably let the comment roll off his back as merely being one made out of lack of understanding, ignorance and religious bias.

In the beginning, Huckabee went to great lengths to show his Christianity, from the blatant comments to the subtleties of his infamous Christmas commercial. Not once did he have to defend his religion, only the "in your face" tactics he used to demonstrate his great faith.

Only a month later, we are seeing how "Christian" some of these candidates are capable of being. If you are a true Christian you believe in turning the other cheek, loving your neighbor and treating others how you would like to be treated. If measured by these standards, one of these candidates stands out as being not Christian enough.

"by your fruits ye shall know them..." (Matthew 7:20)

One candidate has refused to pull out of the election even though he has no chance of winning. His reason; to take votes away from another candidate whom he sees than less than fit and whom he doesn't like based solely on religious differences.

One candidate basically said that he, nor the people of his faith would ever allow a Mormon to be the President.

That same candidate is allowing a liberal force to take over the Republican party (something he claims to be affiliated with) to its detriment just to spite his conservative rival.

It makes me wonder, which of these candidates isn't Christian enough....

When No One is Looking....

This is a video of Mitt Romney that the media doesn't want you to see:

What Every Republican Needs To Know

Some of you may have bought into what the media wants you to think: The race for the Republican nomination is over and John McCain has won. The TRUTH is, while some polls may show John McCain in the lead (though Romney was ahead in California as of last night!!!!) we all know that the polls have been wrong before - and we intend to prove them wrong again.

McCain wants you to think that Gov. Romney is just too far behind to catch up -- but that simply isn't true. Only a few delegates currently separate the two candidates and that is why today - Super Tuesday is so important. We need to rally behind Governor Romney, because only a slight increase in support among conservatives is all that's needed to tip the scales in favor of Governor Romney and conservative change!

Consider the following:

1. Governor Romney has led for most of this race and is still positioned well to win the nomination! Until recently Governor Romney has handily led the delegate count.
2. Governor Romney is the True Conservative in this race. But don't just take our word for it.
3. True conservative thinkers all support Governor Romney:
*Michael Reagan (son of Pres. Ronald Reagan) - remember this post?
*Mark Levin (conservative talk show host) - or do you remember this post?
*Sean Hannity - hear for yourself, here.
*Laura Ingraham: "All right, I'm going to see your endorsement and raise you an announcement: February 12th is the big D.C. primary, I'm pulling the lever for Mitt Romney. No doubt about it. No hesitation." ("The Laura Ingraham Show," 2/1/08)
*Lars Larson: "It's time for the GOP to pick a real Republican standard bearer. I've been keeping my powder dry on this question for months till I had the chance to talk to all of the potential nominees. I've done that now, and I'm left with only one conclusion. Governor Mitt Romney is the best choice for 2008." ("The Lars Larson Show," 2/1/08)
*Mary Matalin: "Huckabee's presence in the race is a spoiler for Romney, he would win all [those] states if Huckabee was not in..." (Meet the Press 2/3/08)

4. Governor Romney has National Support: See a list of endorsements here.
5. Governor Romney has tremendous financial support, from people just like you. Not including ANY of Governor Romney's personal contributions to his campaign, Governor Romney's campaign has raised more money than any candidate in the history of the Republican Party! He will have the money necessary to beat the Democrats.
6. Senator McCain CANNOT beat the Democrats. You cannot beat the Democrats by acting like a Democrat. John McCain has sided with the Democrats on issues from supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants, attacking the 1st Amendment with campaign finance reform, opposing drilling for oil in ANWR to reduce our reliance on foreign oil, and he voted TWICE against the Bush tax cuts. John McCain was reported to have considered defecting the Republican party in 2001 and was asked by John Kerry to be his running mate in 2004. You can't beat Democrats at their game, you need someone who talks AND acts like a true Republican leader. That is clearly not John McCain; that person is Governor Romney.

We need to unite NOW behind Governor Romney. People ought not to vote for John McCain simply because they aren't given all the information about how strong Governor Romney is as a candidate. Governor Romney is as strong as ever in this race. And with all of us united behind true conservative principles, Governor Romney WILL win.

And please remember, a vote for Huckabee truly IS a vote for McCain.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Issues: Education

Education hits really close to home for me, because I've been there. I've been in the classroom, I've taught, guided, tested, and encouraged students. As a former teacher, there are two items that I am especially passionate about: individual progress and parent involvement.

Let's start with individual progress, because really it all starts with the No Child Left Behind Act. And while I respect the program and believe that it is important for getting our schools on track, there was something about it I didn't like. At a loss for words I turned to some friends and asked their feelings on education. My friend Kerri sent me this response:

My personal concern is in regards to "No Child Left Behind". While in theory, NCLB was meant to make sure that all children get equal education but how it was implemented was that it burdened an already taxed education system. It has teachers spending as much as half their time testing students to get "scores" taking away time from educating.

I began teaching in August of 2002, a short 18 months after Bush was put in as President, and at the beginning of NCLB. Like Kerri said, the NCLB Act is a good one in theory, but it is too broad. It focuses too much attention on the whole school or whole class, rather than the individual child. Each child is different. In one classroom you can have a huge range of academic levels - one child reading 6th grade level books, while another is still learning letter recognition. It isn't fair to lump the whole class into one group, or mark them as failing when not all the students are. So why would you do that with an entire school? Whatever happened to individual progress reports? And then I read this:

Governor Romney Will Improve Upon And Enhance No Child Left Behind (NCLB). He believes that No Child Left Behind has played an important role in stressing the role of accountability and high standards in improving our schools. Governor Romney will improve NCLB by giving states that meet or exceed testing requirements additional flexibility in measuring student performance. He will also improve the law by focusing more attention on individual student progress, rather than the overall progress of schools.

Finally! He definitely has my attention now!

Secondly, parent involvement. I thrived, and my students thrived, when parents were involved. I could always tell which students had parents involved in their education. It showed. Sending a child to school is important not only for the child, but for the future of our country and ourselves. Learning is not an individual process. I know I was taught many wonderful things by my parents and teachers throughout my years of formal education. And it is important for us to realize that we as adults and parents need to be involved in our own children's education. Parent involvement can be done in a variety ways: volunteering in the classroom or on the PTA, helping with school activities, reading with your child, or making sure homework is done and sent back. I even had some parents come in on Fridays and do a fun game or activity with my students, and they loved it. Because of the awesome parents of my students I had an incredible class, one that was passionate about school. Isn't that what we want? Don't we want our children to be hungry for knowledge?

But maybe my dreams of having a president that encouraged such a thing was too lofty of a dream. Or was it?

Governor Romney Promoted Parental Involvement In Education. Because parents are crucial to a child's success in school, Governor Romney supported measures to empower parents to play a more active role in their kids' educations.

He answered my concerns!

So take a moment and go here to read more about his plans for Education in America. You may get your questions and concerns answered too!

Just Some of Romney's Endorsements

Governor Matt Blunt (Mo.)
Lt. Gov. Jim Risch (Idaho)
Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Mikolajcik
Fmr. Governor Kenny Guinn (Nev.)
Fmr.Gov. Robert Ehrlich (Maine)
Gary Marx - Dir. Judicial Confirmation Network
James Bopp Jr. - Legal counsel for the National Right to Life Committee
Jay Sekulow - Chief Counsel American Center for Law and Justice
Joe Earle - Director of Outreach Iowa Christian Alliance
Attorney General John Suthers (Col.)
Rep. Ander Crenshaw (Fla.)
Rep. Bill Shuster (Pa.)
Rep. Brian Bilbray (Calif.)
Rep. Chris Cannon (Utah)
Rep. Connie Mack IV (Fla.)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Calif.)
Rep. Dave Camp (Mich.)
Rep. Dennis Hastert (Ill.)
Rep. Ed Whitfield (Ky.)
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (Fla.)
Rep. Hal Rogers (Ky.)
Rep. Howard McKeon (Calif.)
Rep. Jack Kingston (Ga.)
Rep. Jim McCrery (La.)
Rep. Joe Knollenberg (Mich.)
Rep. John Campbell (Calif.)
Rep. John Carter (Texas)
Rep. Kay Granger (Texas)
Rep. Lamar Smith (Texas)
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
Rep. Mike Conaway (Texas)
Rep. Mike Rogers (Ala.)
Rep. Mike Simpson (Idaho)
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.)
Rep. Phil Gingrey (Ga.)
Rep. Ralph Regula (Ohio)
Rep. Robert Aderholt (Ala.)
Rep. Rodney Alexander (La.)
Rep. Ron Lewis (Ky.)
Rep. Tom Feeney (Fla.)
Rep. Tom Petri (Wis.)
Rep. Tom Price (Ga.)
Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.)
Rep. Vernon Ehlers (Mich.)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.)
Rep. Wally Herger (Calif.)
Sen. Bob Bennett (Utah)
Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.)
Sen. Judd Gregg (N.H.)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah)
Sen. Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Sen. Wayne Allard (Colo.)
Dorothy Bush Koch - sister of Jeb & President George Bush (Tex.)
Neil Bush - brother of the President
Dr. John Wilke - Chair Right to Life Committee
The National Review
The Daily Nonpareil (IA)
The Times-Republican (IA)
Sioux City Journal (IA)
The Grand Rapids Press (MI)
The Oakland Press (MI)
Las Vegas Review Journal (NV)
Reno Gazette-Journal (NV)
Elko Daily Free Press (NV)
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Hartford Courant (CT)
Salt Lake Tribune (UT)

Sean Hannity Endorses Mitt Romney

Sean Hannity, a fabulous radio personality, and better known for his show Hannity and Colmes endorsed Mitt Romney on his radio show Thursday. Below is the audio for this endorsement.

While most other radio and TV personalities are trying to stay neutral, I believe as the day wears on we are going to be hearing a lot more endorsements coming out. Especially ones from those who believe in true conservative ideals for this country.

I also found this chart to be very interesting. Be sure to click on it and make it bigger.

Does anyone else notice how similar McCain's views are to those of the Democrats? Definitely something to think about!

A President with a Temper?

Something that most people don't know about Senator McCain, is that he has a bad temper. For those that had the chance to watch the California Debates last week may have seen a preview of that. If you missed it, be sure to read this first:

John McCain won over few if any conservatives tonight, and his display of bad temper and his rambling filibuster of his wrongful "timetables" attack on Romney from last weekend may even have lost him some moderates. In the spin room heads were shaking. McCain was at his worst in the second half of the debate, and those who watched had to ask themselves how this sort of performance would play against a youthful, upbeat Obama with a MSM ready not to protect McCain but tear into him as aging and confused --even obviously deceptive-- about his facts.

Click here for the rest of the article. Definitely worth the read.

A Poll to Consider

Interestingly enough, the following statistics are coming out of Arizona where a straw poll of delegates was taken. This is the same state where John McCain has been a senator for 2 decades.

We Have a Two Man Race

Today America needs a strong moral leader and I believe that man is Mitt Romney. We have a nation under attack. Our values are under attack, traditional marriage between a man and a woman is under attack, our sovereignty is under attack and we cannot survive as a nation if we continue down this path. We have become a huge bloated welfare state on the brink of bankruptcy, we have ignored the principles of personal responsibly and limited government. We are ignoring the damage to this Republic to our citizens as we allow our broken border problem to go unfixed our spending to continue out of control, excessive government regulation and this entitlement mentality. We think we have a right to other peoples money through the force of government. It is time we stand up for America, personal responsibility, the Rule of Law, limited government and put someone in office that will put America First. I believe that man is Mitt Romney. May I remind you that the alternative is more open border policies, more attacks on First Amendment Rights, more of the same. It is the alternative why America is in trouble. Lets take back America. You cannot have moral government without moral leaders. "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good..." -James Madison

Maricopa County Republicans (our grassroots elected Republican Precinct Committeemen) conducted a Presidential Straw Poll during the Jan. 19 Maricopa County Republican Committee meeting in Tempe. In the first category the delegates were able to vote for only their first choice for president.

Those results were as follows. Presidential Straw Poll with 721 ballots cast:

188...............Mitt Romney..................26%
121...............Fred Thompson..............17% (Dropped out)
115...............Ron Paul........................16%
93.................Duncan Hunter.............13% (Dropped out)
80.................John McCain...............11%
33.................Rudy Giuliani................9% (Dropped out)
32................ Mike Huckabee............9%

In the second voting category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as unacceptable. In the Unacceptable Category 427 out of 721 (59%) of the delegates declared McCain as one of their unacceptable candidates. The tallies were:

Most unacceptable.......

In the third category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as acceptable. Those results were as follows:

207........ Huckabee
120......... Paul

His own constituents voted John McCain as the MOST UNACCEPTABLE candidate. If Arizonans aren't happy with their own senator, then why would Americans want him as their president?

A Word From You: Jason in Arizona

My Personal Opinion of Mitt Romney

Dear Friends-

As you all are probably aware, the 2008 Republican and Democratic elections are heating up. I have personally spent a lot of time the past few months learning about the candidates running for President of the United States of America. Now it is time to decide.

I had the opportunity to attend a meeting last evening about Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. I have been impressed with this man but the more I learn the more I appreciate about him. His morals and desire to make this country better are something that mean a lot to me and something I feel our country is quickly losing. I want a candidate that won't feel that he owes someone every time he turns around like many others I watch. When I saw the endorsements made for John McCain the other night before the Florida election I felt very strongly they were made with future political promises linked to them. Those of you from Arizona know that John McCain has not always been honest or forthright in the work he has done for our state. The more I learn about Mitt Romney the more I am impressed and feel that he truly desires to make our country better even if it means not always being the most popular. His record in Massachusetts, the Olympics, and in the real financial world show that he can make things happen.

Tuesday February 5th is going to be a turning point in the direction our country is going. I would strongly encourage each of you to vote so that we can all have a voice in what direction our country will go. I would not take time to send this to all of you if I was not truly concerned about the future of our country. If each of you could pass this on with your own opinion to five more people we can make a difference on "Super Tuesday" February 5th. Get out and vote and make your voice heard!


*A special thanks to Jason for sharing his voice!

A Word From You: Jared in Arizona

Re: My Personal Opinion on Mitt Romney

Hello Friends,
I would like to echo the throughts of Jason & Sean. I too have been watching the 2008 Presidential Race closely and have found Mitt Romney to be the best choice. I have come to find the importance in being actively involved in what is happening in our nation. He has brought good change to all that he has been involved with. He is smart, intelligent and I believe will take to Washington real conservative ideas for the economy, immigration, the war on terror, social security and in balancing the budget. He will get the job done. Is record is proven! He said it best that "Washington is broken" Why should we send John McCain back to change seats as a "RINO". What kind of change will that bring? None, just more liberal policies. I honor and respect John McCain for his service to this country. He is a true american, but as an Arizonan I have not been pleased with his record as a conservative republican. He leans too much to the liberal side. Mitt is the man we should choose. So please get out and vote on Super Tuesday!!!

A special thanks to Jared for sharing his voice!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Issues: Economic Stimulus Plan

If you want to know how best to stimulate the economy, ask someone who has been successful in business. Mitt Romney knows first hand what helps and what hurts businesses, families and individuals.

Some hightlights:
*Individuals - Gov. Romney would permanently reduce the lowest income tax bracket, permanently eliminate payroll taxes on seniors and make middle-class (families making less than $200,000) savings tax free.
*Businesses - Gov. Romney would institute immediate 100% expensing of equipment for two years and permanently reduce the corporate tax rate.
*Make the Bush Tax Cuts Permanent (FINALLY!)
*Oppose any Increase in Social Security Taxes
*Prevent the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) from hurting American Families.

To see Governor Romney's Economic Stimulus Plan in its entirety, go here.

The Issues: Health Insurance

As a young mom, with young children, and knowing that I will have more children in the future; the thought of health care these days is almost frightening. However, a certain governor from Massachusetts enacted a plan that was put in motion to make health coverage affordable and nearly universal for the state. This program was implemented the end of 2006, and by May of 2007 nearly 100,000 of those who were uninsured, had gained affordable coverage. You know that governor as Mitt Romney.

From the official Mitt Romney website:

"Rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all, government-run system, we must recognize the importance of the role of the states in leading reform and the need for innovation in dealing with rising health care costs and the problem of the uninsured. By expanding and deregulating the private health insurance market, we can decrease costs and ensure that more Americans have access to affordable, portable, quality, private health insurance."

You can read more on his plan for reducing health care costs here.

Praise For Romney's Tax Plan

Mitt Romney's Smart Tax Plan
Investment-friendly tax cuts, not one-time rebates
by Nicole Gelinas, City Journal

"Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made a respectable showing in Tuesday's Florida primary, and that's good news for Americans worried about the home-mortgage meltdown and their tax bills.  Unlike Washington politicians, vying to outdo one another printing money to rescue Americans from falling home prices, Romney has proposed a bold long-term tax policy that would encourage Americans to choose their investments, both housing and otherwise, more wisely...."  

For the rest of the article - go here.  To see Governor Romney's Tax Plan, go here.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Politically Correct....(sort of)

It is so interesting to me that you have to be politically correct about everything these days. Well, sort of....

Doug Robinson from the Deseret Morning News put it perfectly...

"No one would openly suggest that you shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton because a woman can't lead the country, especially an ornery one.

Nobody would dare say that you shouldn't vote for Barack Hussein Obama because he's black, or of Muslim descent, or because he has a name that sounds like a terrorist. One Clinton worker even apologized for alluding to Obama's use of drugs as a youth, so apparently it's wrong to disparage former drug users, too.

But nobody is shy about saying you shouldn't vote for Romney simply because he's a Mormon. It doesn't even register on the PC-O-Meter."

You can find the remainder of the article here.

John McCain Hates Me (Michael Reagan)

Check out this great piece by Michael Reagan "John McCain Hates Me".

Super Tuesday

Here is a list of the states who have a Republican primary or caucus on Tuesday, February 5th. If you live in one of these states -- please VOTE! And of course - we hope that you will vote for MITT ROMNEY.

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado*, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts*, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee & Utah*

*States where Romney is currently in the lead

Amen, Mark Levin

Please read this article from the National Review by Mark Levin titled, "Rally for Romney". He articulates perfectly why we as Republicans need to "act fast before it is too late."

Why A Romney Revolution?

Super Tuesday is only 3 days away and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Those of us who are for Lower Taxes, Social Security Reform, Health Care Reform, and Washington Politics as Usual Reform as well as Securing our Borders and winning the war on terror - need to raise our voices for one candidate - MITT ROMNEY. We don't have much time - but we CAN NOT let John McCain be OUR voice in OUR party. This is not over yet - but it will take a Revolution.

Please join us in spreading the message. If you wish you post your thoughts on why Mitt Romney should be our next president, please e-mail us at or

If you are able to go to any Romney events and have pictures you would like post - please send us those too.

And remember - a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. Please help educate your friends or family who may still be planning to support Huckabee. Romney needs their votes!!

Join the Revolution!

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Sentiments Exactly

Funny....I had the same reaction after he won the Florida primaries!