Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney Pulls Out of the Race With Grace & Dignity

Today is a sad day for true Conservatives and Romney supporters everywhere. He gave the most amazing speech I have ever heard - or at least heard in a long time - to CPAC today in Washington. Sadly, he has decided to suspend his campaign rather than stall the start of a national campaign against Hillary or Barack. He said,

"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror..."

..."This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. My family, my friends and our supporters ... many of you right here in this room ... have given a great deal to get me where I have a shot at becoming president. If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America."

Romney is a true patriot and his graceful exit from the race is just more evidence our country is missing out on an amazing potential President. It makes me sick to think that we will not have the benefit of his heart, wisdom, work ethic and ingenuity in the White House. We can only hope he will make a run again in 2012. Our country needs him - even if she doesn't know it yet.

For more on Romney's speech, go here.

And the Romney Revolution will go on. Imagine how different the world today would be if Reagan had given up in 1976. Mitt Romney MUST be our president and if it takes four years of a tumultuous presidency under either McCain or Hillary or Barack, for this country to wake up, then so be it.

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We are pretty proud of what we were able to accomplish in a small time. To think we only started this blog last Saturday! Thanks for everyone's support!
Courtney & Ashby