Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why A Romney Revolution?

Super Tuesday is only 3 days away and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Those of us who are for Lower Taxes, Social Security Reform, Health Care Reform, and Washington Politics as Usual Reform as well as Securing our Borders and winning the war on terror - need to raise our voices for one candidate - MITT ROMNEY. We don't have much time - but we CAN NOT let John McCain be OUR voice in OUR party. This is not over yet - but it will take a Revolution.

Please join us in spreading the message. If you wish you post your thoughts on why Mitt Romney should be our next president, please e-mail us at or

If you are able to go to any Romney events and have pictures you would like post - please send us those too.

And remember - a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. Please help educate your friends or family who may still be planning to support Huckabee. Romney needs their votes!!

Join the Revolution!